LIQUID WOOLSAFE - 5ltr no zoom available for this image
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Product Code: 050.056
Price: £30.49
An effective extraction cleaner for wool and stain resistant nylon carpets. WOOLSAFE Approved maintenance product for wool carpets and rugs. pH Concentrate: 9.5 pH Diluted: 8.5

Product Features:


    Low foam carpet cleaning concentrate for wool and stain resistant carpets.


    WoolSafe approved maintenance product for wool carpets and rugs


    Amber liquid with lemon floral fragrance


    Brand leader across the world


    Sold in 5ltrs and Facory Packed in 2x5ltr

An effective extraction cleaner for wool and stain resistant nylon carpets. WOOLSAFE Approved maintenance product for wool carpets and rugs. Controlled pH and optical brightener free.Can be used in conjunction with Prochem B107 Prespray Gold. pH Concentrate: 9.5 pH Diluted: 8.5

For more information please check the link here :-  Liquid woolsafe Product Specification Sheet 
For SDS information please check the link here :-   Liquid Woolsafe Safety data sheet
For professional and industrial use only.
Portable machines: Mix 10ml of Liquid Woolsafe per litre (1 to 100) of warm
water (max. 60°C 140°F) in the extraction machine solution tank.
Truck-mount units: Mix 1 litre of Liquid Woolsafe with 4 litres of water to make
metering concentrate. Set flow meter at 2 to 4 GPH
Always pre-test carpet or fabric for colour fastness and texture change with
diluted solution before proceeding. If colours are unstable, test with B109
Fibre & Fabric Rinse solution and use according to label directions.
Prespray any heavily soiled areas with B107 Prespray Gold 
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